
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Learning to See the Father’s Love (Mark 10:46-52)

They came to Jericho. As he went out from Jericho, with his disciples and a great multitude, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting by the road. (10:46)

Healing blind persons was a key element of my ministry. In this case, this beggar was not brought by people, but he was sitting by the road. Nobody helped him, as a matter of fact, nobody cared for him. He was alone, lost among many. This was the case of so many in my time on earth, and I came to show the grace of the Father, to open their eyes to His love. Physical healings were and still are important today. They are a beautiful way to show the Father’s love and to teach people about grace. 

When he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarene, he began to cry out, and say, “Jesus, you son of David, have mercy on me!” Many rebuked him, that he should be quiet, but he cried out much more, “You son of David, have mercy on me!” (10:47-48)

This beggar heard that I had opened the eyes of blind men before him, and he wanted my help. He was forgotten and left aside, but he was ready to shout even if people ordered him to shut up. This is a key element that we are looking for, faith. He had faith that I could heal him, and was ready to take risks to get my attention. 

Jesus stood still, and said, “Call him.” 
They called the blind man, saying to him, “Cheer up! Get up. He is calling you!” 
He, casting away his cloak, sprang up, and came to Jesus. (10:49)

I loved his willingness, his determination. When he heard me and was encouraged, not only did he spring up but he came to me. The people did not help him much, he used all the strength he had to come to me, he was not afraid of falling or stumbling on something or someone. He came to me with all his faith. 

Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?
The Blind man said to him, “Rabboni, that I may see again.” (10:50-51)

It was evident that this man was blind. Yet, it was important to remind people that my healings were not a matter of power only but rather an expression of the love of the Father. For love to express itself, it needs communication, dialogue, as often as possible. That is why I love when my disciples learn to speak to me, to ask me, and listen to my answers. I wanted this man to express his request. Never separate my miracles from my love. When there was no love and faith, I could not do many miracles. When the Pharisees demanded a sign from me, I did not want nor could produce a sign - love and faith were missing, because they were trying to judge me instead of coming as trusting children of the Father. 
In the case of Bartimaeus, his faith was simple, and he came to me with all his strength, stating his request with simplicity and hope. 

Jesus said to him, “Go your way. Your faith has made you well.” Immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus on the way. (10:52)

I gave him the command to go, as he was healed. Not only did he receive his sight, but he decided to go with me, to follow me on the way. He focused on me when he needed healing, and he continued to focus on me once he had received his healing, with gratefulness in his heart. This is a beautiful example for every disciple. Many people pray and ask for my help in time of need, but when I answered the need they go away or stop praying. Prayer is not so much a technique, but rather learning to have fellowship with me. It has a part of asking, but it also has a part of listening and remaining in my presence. Since my resurrection, I want my disciples to learn to remain in me and I in them. 
The real need is not only for physical healing, but to have eternal life, and this eternal life is not in you but in me. As you learn to remain in me and I in you, as you learn to live in my presence, you have this eternal life in you as it is in me. Learn to know me, to spend time with me, to learn from me and to follow my direction. My disciples are not called to have a big head but a sensitive heart, a heart that listens to my love and follows this love in all their ways. Your head is a good and important part of you, helping to analyze and clarify things, yet it is designed to serve in love, not to rule. Learn to love the Father and me with all your heart, soul and strength, it is the goal of your creation. As you learn to do that, like Bartimaeus, we will release all your capacities, we will open your eyes so that you can learn to share this love with your neighbor. 

Notice that I always left people to their choices, I did not force them. I was not trying to force people to follow me. I did not try to tell Bartimaeus that, since he was healed, he was required to follow me. This is an important part of the Father’s identity, he never forces people. His grace is really free. We don’t demand a response for our love and miracles, we invite but don’t demand. In the end, it is true that we have eternal life and that this eternal life is in the fellowship with us, but we will never force anyone because we are looking for love. Love is a free response to grace, it cannot be forced. The Father does not expect people to pay him a monthly fee for the fresh air He give freely. What we hope is that you realize that you receive many graces, and that these graces come from us, so that you can continue to receive these graces as you learn to trust in me and to follow me in all you do. 

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