
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Why are there diseases in this world?

Jesus, I would like to speak with you about divine healing and about disease. Why did the Father let disease enter into the world?

As you know, the Father told Adam that if he would eat from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he would die. This is what happened. The Father could have killed Adam in an instant, yet he let him live for hundreds of years after the fall. The purpose was to continue to teach Adam through different ways. The first way the Father uses for teaching is to show the consequences of actions, so that the person can change and improve. Adam saw that sin - missing the mark - introduced pain and suffering in his life. Suffering from hard work instead of a harmonious action in the garden of Eden. Suffering from disease. Disobeying the words of love from the Father means we move away from eternal life and closer to eternal death. it implies consequences in your body, in your soul and in your spirit.

Jesus, how does the Father choose which disease to allow? How can he do that?

The purpose is pedagogical. When people suffer from a disease there is a lesson to receive from God. Pain is an invitation to learn to listen better. The problem of humans is that they tend to worship doctors and be demanding with God. Once they change this attitude and worship God they will learn and understand that no suffering is without meaning, that this life on earth is a life for learning about what love really is. Pain is a key part of this learning, although an unpleasant one.
By spending time with us, you will see benefits in your health. We don't teach you all the details about what happens to your body, because it is part of your learning. The closer you are from us, the clearer your understanding. Sometimes we want to speak to you through a doctor, sometimes through a verse. Learning to listen to us also implies listening to your body. When you act, learn to rely on dialogs with me. This was a key learning I needed to do on earth, to open the way for all my disciples. I always kept dialoging with the Father when I moved with people. You have to remain in dialog with us in all you do. The Father is a devouring fire, he wants more from you, he want his love and passion for this world to flow in you, to share it with you. That is what we want. There is so much we can do, so much to teach, so much love to give. One of our key tools is to allow pain, so that you come to us to understand why there is pain. The paradox of humanity is that many want to avoid pain, without realizing that pain often results from a distance from us. Once you learn that the greatest pleasures in this world are experienced with us, this peace that the world cannot give, this joy that is rooted in heaven, then you begin to be the kingdom bearer we want you to be.

Jesus, in the Gospels it seems like everywhere you went all the persons were healed. Is it true? Is it what you want your disciples to experiment?

The answer is very simple: NO. I did not heal everyone. What happens is that in the Gospels what is written is often what impressed people. Sometimes, I did heal all the persons who came to me (see Mark 1:29-34 as an example). This was a way for the Father to make a statement, to teach the people something. The teaching was that in me, in relationship with me, there is healing for the body (diseases) and for the soul (deliverances). The point was made very clearly at some key moments of my ministry. This was an accomplishment of the prophecy of Isaiah 61, the blind saw and the lame walked. This was a first fruit of heaven, of the perfect healing that would come in heaven. You have to realize that I did not heal everyone all the time. If it was the case, people would have crowded me all the time. They did try, and I needed to find ways to keep a distance, staying on a boat, moving away from cities, etc. I came as a man. Filled with the spirit, but not able to be at 2 places at the same time. I really accepted the limits of humanity during my time on earth. Even those who came into contact with me were not all healed. Some were healed, like the woman with a flow of blood (see Mark 5:25-34). Yet, her story was told for the very reason that she was an exception - it was her faith in me that made the difference.

If you did not heal everyone, should we expect that not everyone will be healed when we pray?

Yes. Humans always try to create absolute laws, human laws, that only very imperfectly reflect divine laws. There are indeed divine laws in the universe, to give humans a sense of stability. This is the ground for encountering us and learning with us, not for casting us away and stupidly thinking that men don't need our guidance. Praying is important. Asking is important. Yet, listening to the different answers for different situations is also very important.
Little knowledge is sometimes a very dangerous thing, because it gives the impression that you master, that you got the secret knowledge that givers you power over reality. It is only in our eyes that you will see the true face of reality, that you will not reduce this world to a set of numbers. Numbers are important, yet very limited. The heart of reality is not mathematics but love. Love has logical parts that can be described with a mathematical language. Love also has relational parts that take sense only in dialog with us. This is a very frustrating part for many scientists, because this universe does not exist to be tamed by scientists. It exists to invite each creature to find harmony in us and through fellowship with us. Humans have a key part to play, not as foolish and limited gods that hide their limits, but as lovers, in love with God and in love with this beautiful creation.

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