
Thursday, August 18, 2016

God's perfect knowledge. Love and justice

Jesus, I am struggling about the question whether the Father knows everything or not. 
You don't need to struggle and you don't need to know. This question is, at its core, a question of faith. Behind this question, many would like to know everything, and to put us in a box. You don't need to do that.
What is important is to trust the Father, to choose the relationship with us and to follow me in all you do and all you think and say. 

Jesus, what about the statement in Genesis 6, that the Father regretted creating humans?
You can understand this statement in the way that the Father was very sad of the first fruits of humanity. He wanted to remove all of that. It does not mean that his project was canceled, but humans needed to know his disappointment so that Noah could follow, so that Abraham could pursue the Father's plan of love for this world. We are always looking for whom we can send. You can think of Isaiah, how we called him. Do we know in advance his response? You don't need to know. The problem with humans is that they turn the table and want to play the role of God, they want to be the ones putting God under a microscope. This is not possible.
You cannot describe the Father in a set of absolute statements.
Do we love? Yes. Do we judge? Yes. Do we know what we do? Yes.
Do we want to share all that we know? No, this would not be wise.
The more closely you walk with me, the more deeply I will share with you my love for this world. With Isaiah, we could share deep truths, that reached to the far future, up to my coming on earth through Mary and Joseph.
Remember how an army functions. Each has enough information to play well their role. The higher the rank, the deeper the knowledge. The closer you come to us, the more we will reveal to you the broad plans of our love and the part you have to play in them.
Many are tempted to come close to us through their minds, forgetting to also come to us through their hearts.

Jesus, some people want to highlight that you know everything and that therefore all is already defined, to the risk of leading us to passivity in our life. Others highlight your love, leading them to the conclusion that you don’t know everything. How to find a balance?
The balance is not in words or concepts but in the relationship with us.
You can speak as much as you want about relationship with us. The truth is that each of my disciples has to learn to let my Spirit dwell in them and to dialog with me, to listen to me and to do our will. In this way, we can guide them in all truth.
In your days, the temptation of many is to highlight so much our love, that they forget that judgment is part of this love for the creation. Judgment rises out of our love for this world. When an oppressor is judged by the Father and destroyed, the one who was oppressed calls it a deliverance and an expression of God’s love. You cannot neatly separate our love and our judgment, both are related. Love and justice go hand in hand. Poetry can help you handle this, as David did.
Psalm 85: 8-11,
I will listen to what God the LORD says; 
he promises peace to his people, his faithful servants— 
but let them not turn to folly.
Surely his salvation is near those who fear him, 
that his glory may dwell in our land. 
Love and truth meet together;
righteousness and peace kiss each other. 
Truth springs forth from the earth, 
and righteousness looks down from heaven.

Ultimately, you have to remember that your capacity to think is not designed for defining a perfect model of who we are, but instead to help you relate to us. I am alive, you cannot put me in a box. The Father is a burning fire, uniting love, holiness and justice in him. Love is not an abstract concept that the Father illustrates. He is the very definition of perfect love, that is revealed in coming closer to Him. In coming closer to us, in learning to listen to what we have to say, you will grow in our love and in our truth.

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