
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Matthew 1:18-25 Birth of Jesus Christ

Text with graphic: here
The Gospel of Luke focuses on Mary’s response, when the angel comes to announce her that she will be pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of Matthew focuses on Joseph's response.
Joseph tries to do the right thing. Since Mary was pregnant, the only logical conclusion for him was that she slept with another man. By putting her away secretly, she could then perhaps - later - marry the person who made her pregnant, and would not be stoned to death before.
Joseph could not do as if nothing happened, since Mary was pregnant with a child which was not his. It is only when the angel appears to him and gives him the so amazing explanation that the Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant, that he will accept. Joseph did not have a vision, like Mary or Zechariah (Luke 1), but had a dream. This means that he did not discuss with the angel but, after the dream, had to react to this dream. Joseph arose from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him. If Mary did as directed, Joseph did also the same. He accepted to carry in his couple this secretly divine child.
It is striking to see the humble obedience of both Mary and Joseph. People could probably see that Mary became pregnant before living with Joseph as her husband,  and give harsh criticisms or crushing judgments. Yet, the young couple probably had to accept all this without answering, giving the impression of guilt and shame. Jesus would have to go through the cross, receiving public shame. Mary and Joseph had from his conception to learn to accept shame without answering a word.

Lord Jesus, what would you like to teach me about this text?
The angel told Joseph that my name was to be Jesus, because I would deliver my people from their sins, and this text then associates this name with Emmanuel - God with us.  These two names are closer than they appear. To deliver from sin means to deliver from the separation with God. When Adam sinned he lost his ability to walk in the presence of God and to dialog with God simply and frequently.
I came to teach that I was indeed Emmanuel - God with us - yet I also came to lead people to experience a life united with God - God with you. To do this, I came to die for your sins, as a voluntary sacrifice of love for you. I also showed you the way to not only be forgiven but to also walk as a child of God - the real deliverance from sin. To be forgiven from your sins is indeed very important, but not enough. When a criminal is forgiven from his offense and can get out of prison, he still needs to learn to act without committing other crimes. For that to happen, you need to learn to walk with me, I am the way. As you walk with me, by inviting the Holy Spirit to dwell in you and to guide you in all you do, you learn to walk with God as Adam walked with God. I came to deliver you from your sins. I came to teach you to be with God. Both are intimately related. To be delivered from sin implies an intimate communion with us - and that you follow our guidance. It is not limited to a set of rules, although some rules like the Ten Commandments are useful. It is a heart intimacy with us, that leads you to live the blessed holy life we want for you.

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