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StudyMap of 1 Peter. See original picture here |
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. (1Peter 5:6-7)
Lord Jesus, what does this text mean for us today?
Response received:
Humility and exaltation are intimately related. Most of the time, people try to elevate themselves by their own strength, to get more power and riches. In doing so, they have to push people aside and crush others. The way I showed was the way of the servant. I did not seek honors but sought to love the Father and those the Father gave me to love.
Response received:
Humility and exaltation are intimately related. Most of the time, people try to elevate themselves by their own strength, to get more power and riches. In doing so, they have to push people aside and crush others. The way I showed was the way of the servant. I did not seek honors but sought to love the Father and those the Father gave me to love.
My whole message is revolving around love. Love needs to be first humbly received, so that you can share it afterward. Often, people will come to me for crumbs of love, and then try to survive with these crumbs for years. We want to give much more than crumbs, but people need to trust me. You need to trust that we can teach you how to love us and how to love your neighbor. The Holy Spirit would like to remind you all that I taught and to teach you in all domains, but you have to first believe that we can communicate clearly and frequently with you. It is not about giving you all what people ask, in self-centered requests, it is more about learning to love. Do we help people to get things? Yes, sometimes. Do we want to teach how to love? Yes, always.
Love is about accepting that you don’t impose who you are, that you listen more than you speak, that you learn to give and pray for others more than others give to you or pray for you. In a human life, there is a tipping point when a persons begins to decide to give even if she does not receive in return. For this to happen, and for it to become a pattern in your life, you will need to learn to receive our love and to become friend with me. In this way, when human friendships are fragile, you will rely on me. With the Father and the Holy Spirit, we can be a rock and sure foundation for your life. As you learn to humble yourself, to be a servant to others when you see their needs and hear from us which part you are to play in helping them, you learn not to be concerned about how to elevate yourself. My path is to learn to serve, and the Father will then elevate you. One of the ways to elevate you will be to let miracles flow through you, as you pray for people to be healed, or to release people from impure spirits through your prayers. This is one of the ways the Father honored me and elevated me, as I was serving the weak and the sick. The power of our love flows much more freely through humble hearts, hearts that want to bless others and don’t seek to be recognized.
Without a real intimacy with us, you will not be able to develop a real humility. You will always need to find approval and recognition somewhere, and if you don’t find it in a close friendship with me, you will need to find it in the world, in people that will be more or less holy. I could do my ministry on earth only because I had this intimate relationship with the Father. That is why Peter mentions that you should humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, to trust that we will give you all you need, be it food, clothing, approval and love. As you seek us first, as you seek our kingdom and the righteousness of faith, you will receive all you need, and at the proper time we will exalt you.
Learn to cast all your anxieties on us, because we care for you. I died for your sins, and I want to be with you and walk with you all of your days, to listen to you and to speak to you, I am with you to the end of the age. That is why Paul encouraged Christians to pray all the time, to remain in dialogue with us all the time. My sacrifice on the cross is of key importance for you to receive forgiveness. Yet, our purpose is not only that you are forgiven but that you can develop friendship with us. Forgiveness is not so much a path bur rather a door that opens to love, a love that the Holy Spirit wants to spread in your heart so that you develop loving relationships with us and with your neighbors. As you go through the door of forgiveness, as you welcome by faith my righteousness, you are invited to walk with me, to become my disciple.
Do not let either desire for riches or concerns and anxieties hinder the relationship with us, these are thorns that can choke the words of love that we want to let blossom in your life. Do not seek riches, but simply humble yourself as we teach you how to love, and do not let neither anxieties grab your heart but rather come to us and cast all your concerns on us, we are here to help you and guide you even if you are walking through a dark valley. As you learn to be free from the desire of riches and recognition, in fellowship with us, you will be able to learn humility. As you learn to cast your concerns on us, you will be free from fear and free to love. Our perfect love will spread in you and through you, casting out all your fears. You will know the truth of my love, and this truth will set you free. You will humble yourself and we will elevate you.
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