
Friday, May 29, 2015

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God. Exalted in the nations, Exalted in the earth!”

Jesus, please speak to me about this verse.
Response received:
In your world, people trust in their strength more than in my strength. They try to accomplish many things with the power of their thighs, with the power of their arms, with the power of their heads. Yet, as Proverb 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones”.
It is only when you stop doing that you can listen, as it was the case in the story of Mary and Martha (see Luke 10:38-42). You can learn to listen to my voice through friends, through nature, through Scriptures, through the still small voice in your heart. There are many ways I want to speak to people, but the channels of communication are so often cluttered with junk that people don’t have much time to recognize my voice, even for those who claim to be my sheep. Take the time to remember that my thoughts are not your thoughts, and that your ways are not my ways. Stop judging everything that you see, and begin to suspend your judgement, coming to me for discernment.
By stopping, by learning to be still, you will become aware of the battles that take place within you, and as you look up to me, as you ask for answers, I will begin to show you my love and how I am exalted in the nations, exalted in the earth. The Father has given me the nations as my inheritance, as I came to sat at his right hand after my resurrection (see Psalm 2:8). As you become aware, at a practical level, that I have received dominion over the earth, ask me questions and I will answer. I will not always answer in the way you want, but I will always answer. Seek me and you will find me. Knock at the door and I will open to you. In fact, I am knocking at the door of the heart of many, and wait for them to open so that I can come in their lives and meet them.
The Sabbath was established by the Father as a time of encounter, encounter with your neighbor, encounter with us. When people don’t stop, they are like blind animals running to their own destruction (in Hebrew, the verb ’Shabbat’ simply means ‘to stop’). They put a lot of efforts for so little results. As Solomon said, “unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” (Ps 127:1-2).
We are not here to paralyze people, but to help them realize that we know better, that we always want to guide on the path of peace and of pure love. This was the path that I showed on earth, when I came. It is the path I showed to the Twelve, it is still the path that I show to my disciples today. The biggest hindrance to listening to me is the busyness of your life, the noise that often quiet my voice. Learn to bring your desires to me, so that you discern whether they come from us or not, whether they will bring good fruits or bad fruits. It is true, when you are not used to do that, it will take time. That is why stopping, being still, will be a key step in your learning to be with me, to let me dwell in you and you in me. We really want to guide toward happiness and joy, a real happiness that the world cannot give or steal. Yet, the first step is often for you to stop the many plans that run in your head and that flow through your mouth and hands.
As you learn to really stop, to be still, you become aware of what is going on in you and around you, and you can stop being a blind fool. As you learn to stop and lift up your eyes toward us, you can realize first and foremost that we love you, that we delight in you. Not only does the Father love you tenderly, but he sent me to lead you to His pasture, to receive fully eternal life, a life that flows in you and through you to eternity. 
As you stop, ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit, so that you can say with peace and joy: ‘Abba, daddy, Father’ to the Father of light, to the Father of love. Are there things in your life that displease us? Yes. Are there changes that we want to lead you to make? Yes. Yet, remember that you have to simply say you are sorry for the wrong things you are aware of, to be willing to receive guidance from us and to follow me, and we will guide you toward the path of eternal life. You cannot catch eternal life like a fowler catches a bird, you can only receive it as you enter on my path of life, as you learn to follow me on the path of true love.
Some trust in chariots, in tanks, in cars, in bank accounts, in belongings, but we invite you to trust in the name of God. We want you to learn that as long as you are not filled with our love, you will not be able to sow many seeds of love in this world. Our love can become your food, the joy of fellowship with us. I gave my life for you, to release you from your sins, and I invite you to remember that, as a way for you to remember my real love for you.

As you stop focusing on your problems, you will become open to hear our solutions. As you stop running without discernment, I can lead you to walk in paths of righteousness. As you stop seeking acceptance and recognition from the world, we want to fill you with the Holy Spirit that speaks God’s love to your heart. As you stop imagining that you are at the center of the world, we will show you how our love is at the center of the Father’s creation.
As the sons of Korah wrote: Be still and know that I am God. Exalted in the nations, Exalted in the earth!”

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