
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Learn to be a child of the Father (Mark 10:13-16)

And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them. (10:13-16)

Here is a profound truth about my coming on earth. I did not come for a complex task, but for a simple one. I came to remind people that they had a Father in heaven, who had access to all we need on earth to be happy. He knows what is good for us better than any human. Like a human father when he wants the good of his child, the heavenly father will give good gifts to His children. I learned to say the words the Father told me to say, I learned to do the actions the Father asked me to do. You are called to imitate me, to listen to me and to follow me. I can speak to you and show you what the Father wants. I am the good Shepherd and want to guide you to the Father of love, to the perfect heavenly Father. 
In your world, when people grow up, they very often have the impression that they can take care of themselves, that they can be masters of their lives. This impression lasts a few decades, before you become old, and then the illusion of independent power just disappears as you need again help and learn again to obey others. Many people hate this shift in the old age, while the Father allows this to help you remember a deep truth in your world: you are not self-sufficient, you always need the help of others. 
Learning the fear of God is learning that all the resources around you are not your possession, but gifts that you can use for a while. The air is a gift from God, the water is a gift from God, the ground is a gift from God. The Father expects you to use these gifts wisely, and if you don’t use them in a way that honors the Father, at one point he will give you a correction. This should teach people to fear displeasing God, as a key step in learning to love the Father. As you learn that the goal of the Father is not to crush you or to punish you, but to teach you how to love Him and how to love your neighbor, you will not need anymore fear, but just to walk in His love. You will then become, like Abraham, a friend of God. Once you are perfected in love, fear will no more be needed. That is what I came to show, the love of the Father, and how to walk in this love all the days of your life. 
As human parents have to teach the importance of obedience to their children, the heavenly Father needs to teach it to His children. When they learn the lesson quickly, they avoid many unnecessary corrections, but if they refuse to learn they end up in many pains. In your world, so many persons think they are autonomous and can make it on their own. Then they discover that they have made a hole in the ozone layer of the earth, then they discover that water could become scarce, yet they still try to master with their brains instead of recognizing that all these resources are gifts from the Father. It is not a gift from mother earth, but a gift from Father God. The earth has no soul in itself and has no intelligence, but the earth is where the heavenly Father is manifesting his love to humanity. He desires to train you to respect the resources he gives, and to use them for His glory and for the love of your neighbor. 
As you learn that you are not alone, and that you have a loving heavenly Father, He also wants you to learn that you have to follow His directions in order to continue to receive life. He has life in himself, and it is only in knowing him intimately, in learning from me how to stay in communion with us, that you receive eternal life. Eternal life is so simple, it is received when you stay a child of the Father, and learn to follow us in our love. Childlike faith is the attitude of faith that a child has for his parents, as he knows they want his good and expect him to follow their guidance. We are not looking for micromanagement, for piloting humans like puppets, but we want each human person to learn to love and to let love rule in their hearts. As you learn to welcome my words, as you learn to follow my teachings, you learn to remain in the flow of the Father’s love. In doing so, you will move from being a servant of God to become a friend of God, one of his many mature children. Through the Holy Spirit in you, you learn that the Father is a good father, that you can speak to him with tenderness, that you can say ‘Abba,’ daddy, Father. In this way our love makes you free from any darkness, releases you from any bitterness and leads you on the path of peace and joy. 
Learn to receive the kingdom of God like a child, learn to listen to me as I guide you to the Father, learn to rejoice in the Holy Spirit. Our path is simple, just come to me and I will give you the rest you seek, I will give you the fresh water of the Father’s love. 

Follow me and learn from me, I will teach you how to live as a joyful child of the Father. That was the goal of my incarnation, that is still the goal in my presence on earth today. 

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