
Sunday, November 12, 2017

John 8:21-29 Jesus Predicts His Death

Learning to listen to Jesus:
I did not come to do my will, but to show the way to eternal life, life with us.
This life is about learning to love, learning to listen. I always listened to the Father and always did what He wanted me to do. For many on earth, this sounds like a prison. That is a lie. If your Father is perfect, perfect obedience leads to perfect love and perfect freedom. What is a prison is sin, and you cannot avoid this prison by being independent and autonomous. The true freedom comes from love.
You have been created to dance in our love, to flow in our grace, and to shine of our love in this world. Learn to deny yourself - to abandon this false idea of freedom wrapped in selfishness and lack of love. Learn to wrap yourself in our love, and to let us guide you in what to say and what to do - this is the freedom you have been created to live. Let our light shine in you, and manifest it to the world. This is the very purpose of the creation of each human. Accomplish your destiny.

Link to daily devotional texts for the year: